February 2010

Crimes of the heart .

Give my gun away when it's loaded,
Is that alright?
If you don't shoot it how am I supposed to hold it?

Sinking in our beer and rum depression. Music that paints us all in shades of ochre and green. Music of the earthen soil wrapped in a soft plinking on the piano that speaks to no one but the cat in the corner.

9 Crimes by Damien Rice.

*that BS at the bottom was mine though.*

Our noiseless speech. Never again.

I want to control my life. I think we all do in some way.
What we learn. What we experience. What we meet.
But that's not possible because life sweeps us away in an untamable sea.

Never the less, I'd still like order in my life. Is that so so so wrong?
*angsty stuff ends here*

If I could. I would live my life away in my small house of nautical nonesense. Of bits of experiences that mean nothing to anyone but mean something to me. And that is enough.

Then again, they are all in my dreams.

But that too, is enough.

Hinder the justification of our love

I have chinese new year clothes for my doll-doll!
Yay~ (a totally meaningless upgrade that nonetheless makes me glad)

The deathless mistress of the red swastika

The perplexing stuff of our class continues today with a lecture about installation art that was both interesting and very insightful.
So much so it had people looking like this after it was done.

A very attentive student absorbed in the lesson.

After that, we were crawling all over the furniture attaching aluminium foil and scattering thumbtacks. Why? Because... ... well, just because.
Here is our nice piece of work that was so profoundly intriguing and multi-dimensional nobody understood it. Not even us. That's how awesome it was.

Artwork so awesome, nobody understood it

Anyway, somebody hung up a dead duck. Poor duck.
But I'm a carnivore so my sympathy for it was slightly challenged.

I can't think of what else to write so I'm ending it off by saying I saw a guy wearing a lace Miney/Mickey mouse cap with a cabbage patch kid doll on his bag.

Yeah, you heard me.
A Cabbage Patch Kid.
Man, didn't they die out with the Teletubbies?

What is grey & the casualties we know

There are 2 categories of beautiful things in life.
First, the beautiful things that are pretty to look at - and Second: the beautiful things that make you go crazy with want and burning with desire to buy them and nuke a hole in your pocket.

My Goodness, just look at those things!
I Waaaaaa~~aaaaaant!!!
Awesome designs by Shinzi Katoh - You can get them at The Happy Little Shop.
But don't! All the innocence of your wallet will be brutally raped by the sheer cuteness and uselessness and awesomeness of the stuff here!

If only I had a billion dollars - I'd buy the whole damn shop up.

Nah, actually - if I had a billion dollars I'd hire Mr Shinzi Katoh as my personal cuteness-designer and have him produce nothing but cute wallets all day long (my wallet is really worn out).

Now, prepare yourselves! And look down.

OH! By the power of greyskull can you believe this kettle?!!

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