March 2012


Painted Skin is one of those eerily beautiful films that could have benefited with a much more tragic ending & less campy kung fu stunts - but the impossibly sad love triangles and heart-wrenching acting from Zhao Wei & Zhou Xun (males, I realise, are periphery & plot devices in most Asian ghost stories) makes me want to ball my eyes out.

Argh, someone hand me a tissue.

Mumbling souls

Listening to Jay Chou's 烟花易冷 like crazy, but why is it that all of his 中国风 song's MVs are so depressing? Look at 发如雪 and 千里之外 and 青花瓷 - amazing lyrics, beautiful cinematography and all tragic endings.

Sometimes, it's not enough for the characters to die once but are reincarnated into the modern world to die another time. Mercy does not exist in ancient Chinese love stories, I realise. You're either committing suicide for your dead loved one like 孟姜女 or, at best, meeting your sweetheart once a year on a magpie bridge because of irreconcilable circumstances. Depressing.


雨纷纷 旧故里草木深

我听闻 你始终一个人

斑驳的城门 盘踞着老树根

石板上回荡的是 再等

雨纷纷 旧故里草木深

我听闻 你仍守着孤城

城郊牧笛声 落在那座野村

缘份落地生根是 我们


Tyakasha under my Umbrella

Can anything describe how just mind-blowingly terrific these jackets & pants look?!
I know... I know... My elder sis has been telling me how awful my fashion sense is. But tell me how can you look at a planet & stars design & polka dots & NOT say it's the cutest thing ever???

Need. These. In. Closet. Now!

From Here

empty spaces

My brain is an empty space.
Life tells me to go left, & all I wanna do is walk straight on into concrete oblivion at the other end.

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