September 2009

Cielo's cranes fly by my eyes

Clue 1*: It is organic

Clue 2*: It contains haemoglobin

Clue 3*: It is NOT anything obscene.

Ans: It's my face. Swollen like the Nile in August. Hurting like the heart of Juliet. Omnious like the Joker with his pencil trick. And missing 4 teeth like most of Batman's victims in which he totally rules except next to Wolverine compared next to Rorsharch who is such a total badass my brain just caved in from their combined sheer awesomeness.

Excuse the pretentious BS language. Was doing literature just now.

Werchitzer erroneous calling and splinter

Here are the photos I promised of my hostel.

Here are the photos of my uni classrooms.

Here are the photos of my latest assignment.

Actually, if you can't see them you may have to reload the page.

Just kidding. I didn't take the photos and you won't mind cos, who the hell cares.
I have a truck load of homework now and a bunch of assignments and blah and blah.

This is basically a filler post so my blog doesn't die on me while I scour around for some spare time to do a proper post. Something like what the Naruto anime likes to throw at us. Just that mine has less crap and useless characters.

The end.

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