August 2008

uppity logging trembles

So, now I'm free!!

So free. Like a boulder off my shoulders, I'm free....

Hahah, saying like i'm getting holidays already, but it just feels like it.
I'm gonna play finish my Final Fantasy XII which i started 2 years ago and have not finished.
I'm gonna play all the Dunne 2000 i can stomach. I'm gonna buy back my Heroes of Might and Magic 3 and play till my eyes pop out.

Then I'm gonna complete my Resi Evil 4 on Pro mode which I'm halfway through but too scared to continue cos I'm at the waste disposal area.
Waste Disposal area means the Regenerator area. And although i've beaten the game 3 times already I'm just too scared of fighting a pro-mode regenerator. 
But i will, just you see Capcom.

Also, i went out with shan to watch the Dark Knight (what? still in cinemas?).
It was so so awesome. Just blew my brains out with sheer awesomeness and bombastic craziness. Love it love it love it!


The next day i went out with Miss oink and Miss greentea to have a dimsum buffet!
Awesome! Dim sum is one of those stupidly expensive bits of food alongside sushi and hagen daz ice-creams.


So a dimsum buffet was awesomeness in entirety. We ate till we burst then went off to watch the Mummy3 which deserve every single bit of its score in Rotten Tomatoes but was so much dumb fun it was worth its $7.

So.... yeah..... have fun!

In whatever i could settle reach, haven't you?

Damn busy.
It's busy enough to kill a bee.
But if you look at it from a certain angle, it looks like a honey-comb. All wrinkly and gooey and nauseatingly sweet.
Actually, time feels too squashed and if i were superman, i'd kill the clock and i really don know what i'm talking about cos it's definitely the busy-ness and it's as crazy as a sandwitch under a steamroller.

Bon apetit. Send me to Mars on a jet.


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