The deathless mistress of the red swastika

The perplexing stuff of our class continues today with a lecture about installation art that was both interesting and very insightful.
So much so it had people looking like this after it was done.

A very attentive student absorbed in the lesson.

After that, we were crawling all over the furniture attaching aluminium foil and scattering thumbtacks. Why? Because... ... well, just because.
Here is our nice piece of work that was so profoundly intriguing and multi-dimensional nobody understood it. Not even us. That's how awesome it was.

Artwork so awesome, nobody understood it

Anyway, somebody hung up a dead duck. Poor duck.
But I'm a carnivore so my sympathy for it was slightly challenged.

I can't think of what else to write so I'm ending it off by saying I saw a guy wearing a lace Miney/Mickey mouse cap with a cabbage patch kid doll on his bag.

Yeah, you heard me.
A Cabbage Patch Kid.
Man, didn't they die out with the Teletubbies?

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