February 2014

Ice Queen

Random Faye Wong appreciation post.
Gosh, I really love this woman. Way back in 199~something, for some reason, the radio would play her song 红豆 around the time my mother put us to bed so I'd fall asleep with Faye's tinkling voice filtering out softly from the speakers and I'd come to associate her with bedtime songs. And even now, listening to her music sends me to sleep (in a good way!)

“The discovery of God lies in the daily and the ordinary, not in the spectacular and the heroic. If we cannot find God in the routines of home and shop, then we will not find Him at all.”
— Richard Foster

Don't put it in your pocket sir

If I were the guy at the counter, I'd be soiling my pants in liquefied fear right about now.

Artifacts from years past

Technology goes out of date so fast these days that when I look at my shiny white iMac from 2006, I feel positively ancient for it. 2006, 2-0-0-6 ! That's the year Casino Royal came out. That's the year Final Fantasy 12 was released. And for some reason, 2006 feels like 4 years ago when it's actually almost EIGHT. I booted up the com (which I haven't touched for 4 years) and found out unsurprisingly that every programme on the desktop was out of date. Ok, cool. I can deal with that. Just go to the websites and download the latest versions right? I'm not talking Photoshop CS6/CC which requires everything and your liver before it deigns to install. But now the latest Firefox and Safari requires OS10.5 and above to install. The grandad version (2008 one) that I use is no longer supported on my OS10.4.8.
Ok keep calm, I thought to myself, where was that free copy of Snow Leopard that Apple gave you with the Macbook Pro? Aha! I poured the pile of dust off the CD and proceeded to install 10.6 onto the com. Except---------------- Deng Deng Deng Deeeeeng--------------- It required my mac to be on 10.5 first! And short of spending money on an OS10.5, which makes absolutely no sense because OS10.7 is the newfangled boy-toy of the town, I won't even be able to access my mail properly. It pains me so badly, but the iMac that I had once thought was the pride of the study room and a status of incomparable tech-savviness and class is now a fossilized animal. An animal called Mac OS10.4 Tiger.

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