Tarnish up can't stop the rhythm

I'm so beat i've stuck toothpicks in my eyes to keep them open.

All you evil people out there, do not pass GO!

Do not collect $200! Do not mix soy beancurd with fried food!
If you see a cocktail sausage with quail eggs, they're MINE!

Ever so often, the parents would go out of the country and leave their kids with the car.
Here is my sis in all her newbie glory, driving my dad's ratty Toyota with the finesse and dexterity of a hippopotamus.


She takes a forlorn gaze at the never-ending traffic ... wondering why did god invent cross junctions.


She passes the cross junction after waiting for 3 whole decades! Horray! Breathes an almighty sigh of relief! I unbuckle my safety helmet.

Oh yeah... and i got myself a spanking new electric piano !!! (cue insane guitar riffs and confetti)


I got it from Cash Converters (bless its soul) at a heart-stopping $18 !!!


You, yes, YOU can get your very own no-brand electric piano too at $18! Yes, $18 gentlemen! Aye aye, i kid you not.
I was so damned surprised when they threw in the cable for me too! I mean, come on! $18 !

I triumphantly hoisted my catch back home, drowned in glory, honour and praise.... until I did a true test of it back home and realised that when you pressed anything more than 3 keys simultaneously, it played out an extra note.

Dang dang dang ~~ DANGGGggggg~~~

Trying hard to swallow my abject disappointment, I hereby convince myself that if i played 3 notes and it produced 5 ... that's an extra 2 notes free of charge!

Killmungous and my bonny lad

You know how you always walk beside grabage trucks and get a whiff of that disgusting smell that's both nauseating, sour and cloyingly ripe at the same time?

You know how your stomach turns at that sourish smell not simply because of its glorious fragrance but also the vivid imagery of the mechanisim at the rear that churns up the stacks of waste and squeezes out rivulets of brown juice?

That nausea?

That revulsion?

That abomination?

You see the brown juice seeping onto the uncaring tar road and immediately walk round the puddle.

That puddle of brown garbage juice on the ground?

That's how i feel now.

Only if you are 15 - 18 years old

ONLY IF YOU ARE BETWEEN 15 - 18, the post below concerns you.

No, it's not some X-rated chick flick specifically for this age range, but yeah, you guys are probably old enough to count and do multiplications.

I'm conducting a survey.

NO! Don't close this window, wait!

See, if you are between 15-18 years old (aprx. sec3 to poly 1), please take a look (and possibly complete) this very important survey which is the life-blood of me.

If you know anyone who is between 15-18, you can be a generous soul and help me spam- *cough* inform them of this survey. Thanks a bunch! Who knows... you can be the 9999th visitor and win a gajillion dollars *ahem*...


it's a survey of your views on yourself and the tech world apparently.

uppity logging trembles

So, now I'm free!!

So free. Like a boulder off my shoulders, I'm free....

Hahah, saying like i'm getting holidays already, but it just feels like it.
I'm gonna play finish my Final Fantasy XII which i started 2 years ago and have not finished.
I'm gonna play all the Dunne 2000 i can stomach. I'm gonna buy back my Heroes of Might and Magic 3 and play till my eyes pop out.

Then I'm gonna complete my Resi Evil 4 on Pro mode which I'm halfway through but too scared to continue cos I'm at the waste disposal area.
Waste Disposal area means the Regenerator area. And although i've beaten the game 3 times already I'm just too scared of fighting a pro-mode regenerator. 
But i will, just you see Capcom.

Also, i went out with shan to watch the Dark Knight (what? still in cinemas?).
It was so so awesome. Just blew my brains out with sheer awesomeness and bombastic craziness. Love it love it love it!


The next day i went out with Miss oink and Miss greentea to have a dimsum buffet!
Awesome! Dim sum is one of those stupidly expensive bits of food alongside sushi and hagen daz ice-creams.


So a dimsum buffet was awesomeness in entirety. We ate till we burst then went off to watch the Mummy3 which deserve every single bit of its score in Rotten Tomatoes but was so much dumb fun it was worth its $7.

So.... yeah..... have fun!

In whatever i could settle reach, haven't you?

Damn busy.
It's busy enough to kill a bee.
But if you look at it from a certain angle, it looks like a honey-comb. All wrinkly and gooey and nauseatingly sweet.
Actually, time feels too squashed and if i were superman, i'd kill the clock and i really don know what i'm talking about cos it's definitely the busy-ness and it's as crazy as a sandwitch under a steamroller.

Bon apetit. Send me to Mars on a jet.


I hate maths.

I hate it because it reminds me of times long forgotten when my dad would grill me on algebra with a cane.
He never could understand why i took so long to digest why the brackets should be solved first before multiplication.
He's such an algebra freak he started to use algebra to teach me problem sums in Pri 3 and i don even know why the heck X does not have a secific value or that X and Y are different but they seem the same to me cos they are all alphabets and come right after each other.

In secondary school, i took A maths and hated the hell outta dy dx.
I hated chemistry only because they had mole calculation.
I absolutely hated physics.

I hate solving sudoku and i hate chess and i hate even looking at the weather forecast cos they remind me of my dad.

Why why why then am i typing lines after lines after miserable lines of miserable mathematical codes and logic based equations and all that crap i tried to run away from?
Why oh why did our teachers lie to us when they say the technical part is not important when the technical parts are what define our lives as IM students?

This is one big conspiracy up there.
I dunno what to think anymore, my brain is all powder from thinking too much.
I want to rob banks when i grow up. So i wont ever have to script anymore. Then i'll go away on an island where i can live my life on coconuts and sandy beach.

orison's lullaby crosses over vignette lake

Kate Nash's songs make me happy :)


All who love it are correct

This is my boot

It's damn pretty and deserves to win a thousand times over.

If you don't like it you are wrong.

Listen to the Master below.



swarm of angels cross my sky

I'm lazy.

But please.. ..

enjoy this pic.


6 best books in my life. Ever.

Here is how my recently deceased holidays were spent.
Sleeping- 40%
Reading- 18%
Growing fat- 20%
Doing useful things- 5%
Did i mention sleeping?- 10%

Other miscellaneous activities- 7%

If you drew a pie chart, that's time well spent.
I love reading, so i'm going to tell you which are the books you absolutely must read in this lifetime!

1) Riptide Douglas preston & Lincoln child

This is one of the most awesome thrillers i've read. The plot and scientific explanations behind it are just mind-blowing. Riptide makes you think that the situation and mysteries surrounding Ragged island are truely supernatural before bashing you with a revelation that's not only believable but wildly fantastic.
No cookie-cutter plot here. It's so good it borders on being terr

2) Killing Floor Lee Child

Gore. Blood. More gore. You can almost see the claret flying all over the place in this. The main character is really cool. Cooler than Alex Cross by a continent. Cooler than Neo or Justin Timberlake. Or any damn person you can think of.

3) Life of Pi Yann Martel
Killing Floor is brutal and sadistic in a loud way while Life of Pi is brutal and sadistic in a way so subtle the only way you'd realise how sinister the plot is is after you've read to the last page and ruminated on it like a cow.
How can a book about a boy in a boat with a zebra, a hyena, an orang utan and a bengal tiger be any sinister?

It is. And it's a great book.

4) Road to Perdition Max Allen Collins
It's a graphic novel. Nope, it doesn't have whiny teens with incredible eye-sizes, ridiculous outfits or hairdos bigger than Amy Winehouse's. Or robots shooting rockets out of their knees. This is a tale about a father, a son, a cute car and buckets of bloody revenge.
Moving, gritty, tragic and wonderfully good.

5) Assassin's Apprentice Robin Hobb
My favourite fantasy series. It's so humane it could almost be a history book. The book is brick thick and wordy and damnably hard to break into. Yet the pay-offs for perseverance are immense.
I've read a ton of fantasy books and this series is..... .... simply... ... the best. *chokes*. It's the best.

6) Vlad Taltos Series Steven Brust
Assassin's Appentice is a soulful, heart-wrenching and philosophical whirlwind of emotions. The Vlad Taltos series is just great fun! Fantasy books aren't really fun in the first place. Moody and filled to the brim with old men in beards. This series manages to be eccentric and ridiculously entertaining.

Yup, go read these books now!
As you can see, I'm an exclusive fantasy and thriller reader. No other genre sully my eyes.
So, if you're the kind who loves romance or drama or, god-forbid, biographies, you might find these books utterly unattractive. So forget all that i've written and carry on reading your Nora Robert or whatever.

goolin & the gagaland of flying bengal tigers

My windows com got wiped-out. Again.
I went out with my sis recently and "won" a stuffed Stitch toy from that coin-sucking, curse-inducing toy grabing machine in a sleazy arcade. Yeah, the kind with pincers so flexible you'd think they were screwed on with bluetac. And yet it still attracts hoards of dumb people willing to blow $20 trying to grab a furry pencil case when you can get the same thing for 7 baht in Thailand.

Anyway, that Stitch cost $10. And we didnt even really knock it down the gutter. It's bloody head was so big it got stuck.

Yeah, i think that's why they make them heads so huge. Like tweety bird or Doraemon. So that when you drop them down the hole, their nauseatingly cute mugs will clog up the hole and Lo'! stare back up at you with their gigantic eyes and impossibly smug grins. Taunting you to smash the tofu pincers in their synthetically stuffed faces while your wallet gets violated 5 times over.

Oh yeah, so its head got stuck and while we were considering tipping the machine over with the excuse of dropping our keys underneath, a really sour faced lady who was in a rush to do "maintenance", gave us godly sympathy, opened the glass casing and tossed our stuck friend to us.
What an adrenaline killer. But that's ok. My sis was happy enough. She loves Stitch.

reset the blue eternities

Well, happy holidays! For those who don't have it now, nevermind, your turn will come.

new year

Yay! CNY is here!

Prepare to get rich and unhealthy. Unless my parents decides to keep my ang baos again, in which case i shall be forced to kick up a huge fuss and make my CNY as miserable as possible.

Truth is, i don't know what i want to buy with the money. I don't have any thing i really really desire now. Like a spanking new laptop (which i know i need) or a better mp3 player (cos my zen is just about dead) yet i don't feel that i want to get them.
I'm hanging in the oblivion of needing things and not wanting them. Sigh..... ....

Oh yeah, my wisdom tooth is coming out, so that probably means i'm getting smarter and more knowledgeable of the astro physics of this confounding universe.
If the tooth continues to grow, i'll wear a white turban and levitate myself 2 meters off the ground and answer any questions for the simple price of your liver.

Oh. It's frikking painful anyway. Oww..... right in CNY too. *cries*

Emo Comments For Hi5

More Cute Comments


5 hrs of linework + 5 hours of shading = 10 hrs of complete misery

I shall never ever draw another drawing this emo. Should have picked a better topic. Drawing the pirate assignment was way more fun than spending i++ hours looking at wires and no-gendered-humans.
Gaaarr... and i had really little reference for this, unlike the pirate one. So many times I'd spend 15 mins doing nothing but staring at the paper thinking "where the hell should i shade next?".

Speaking of i++, i know the only way to pass my authoring test today if is i became god and can shoot fireballs out from my retinas.

In other words, not bloody likely.
Mr Choong should have made a pre-recorded mpg that played at the beginning of the test wif a digital-rain shot of his face saying "Failure is inevitable! Do not be optimistic! Do not click onMouseEnter me! Do not pass Go and get $200! There is NO boolean! There is only } else if (FALSE) = GoToHell{ "

That way, we can all give up on authoring and go back to our lives of being mitochondria.

This post is getting more and more boring. So i'm adding a pic that could brighten up your day!

My favourite flavour is red bean. My most hated is corn.

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