Pain in my shoulder

I'm always underestimating the amount of stuff I need for other stuff. Especially space, physical or digital. We buy more books than we have bookshelves for, we download more songs than we have gigabytes. I started buying those thick (and expensive) Playstation magazines when I was 14 and kept them in a drawer under my bed. Back then when all I owned were Playstation magazines and a pencil box, a drawer under the bed worked just fine. Now? Heh heh heh, it's like playing tetris with all those junk. Anyway, as I was browsing through pinterest for inspiring shelving ideas, all these photos popped up:

Who, tell me who, arranges their shelves like these? WHO??!

Look at how much space is wasted. There is a reason why books are never placed horizontally. It's a pain to take out. Also, the decorated tissue box gets a whole aeroplane-tray-sized seating area? That shelf can easily hold the whole encyclopedia britannica plus room for the Harry Potter series. Except now it can only hold 10 sad tomes and a few pretentious "art-forms".

Unrealistic shelving is unrealistic.

Listenin' Blissnin' Again

Argh. Goosebumps.
My favourite score from the movie Interstellar. Compare it with my favourite score from the other amazing sci-fi film, Gravity.

No comparison. They are both sublime. And speak about hope in the face of impossible odds with very different styles.

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