Houston, we have a problem

I recently downloaded some survival horror games, Dead Space and Amnesia. I played Amnesia first as I heard fantastic reviews on this indie game production-and man, even the trailer scared the crap outta me. Sadly, it was in 1st-person camera; which I know gives a more personal, claustrophobic feel to the game. Unfortunately, yours truly is allergic to 1st-person camera and puked after playing for 30 mins. (Granted, I got through 30 hrs of Skyrim gameplay on 1st-person; but strolling along idyllic nordic scenery is a different ballgame from creeping around a monster-infested, god forsaken castle with only a LANTERN for protection)
I am currently waiting for my guts to regenerate before I go back to play that sanity-sucking thing.

Speaking of monster-infested, Dead Space is the epitome of that.
And it's 3rd-person, so I can actually play it meaningfully without a bucket. Although I may need to sit on a toilet while playing because the scares, oh the scares.
Look at this:


When that thing crashed through the elevator I was riding, I literally exited the game and breathed very loudly at my computer screen.
And the music. Oh, did I say music? I mean sudden violin shrieks accompanied by eerie metallic scraping noises that could either be the rickety ship acting up... ... or a monster waiting to burst out from the vents and chomp on your intestines like a fat kid loves candy.

So while Amnesia is a foreboding game that winds up tension by an ominous atmosphere, Dead Space is jump-scares galore and gore aplenty. Compared to Resi 4, the last 3rd-person horror game I played - Dead Space is a ton scarier and far more claustrophobic. I do miss playing tetris with the inventory though.

See this survivor crying for help? Well, you won't have time to make friends. Dead Space is one lonely game.

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