Oh Apple, Apple, Apple. Why art thou iMovie so utterly intolerable?
I don't understand, it's a really decent amateur video editing software with a super-easy interface (much like most Apple software)—then why in the world did you remove the SAVE option? Look at this. Look at it!
Where's the SAVE button? Did it take a holiday from the dropdown menu? I know you guys are all about "less-is-more" and proved that by removing the disk drive from the newest just-as-expensive iMacs; but this is getting ridiculous. Apparently, iMovie doesn't have the SAVE function because it autosaves any project edits on the fly—which is all good if the autosave actually works. Which it does—92% of the time. Saying the autosave works 92% of the time is as reassuring as a skydiving instructor informing her student just before the jump that his parachute is in 92% working condition.
I woke up this morning to find out that a video project I've been working on had its changes reverted to the old file 2 weeks ago. TimeMachine didn't help. There wasn't ANY traces of the recent edits I made (and substantial edits were they). iMovie simply saves over the file again and again so there is only one instance of the project anywhere. Apparently, many people have also suffered from the iMovie not saving their changes and Apple hasn't done much about it. No plugins, no updates, nothing. Can you believe if Microsoft pulled that move on MS Word—universities will implode as everybody loses their thesis papers. Apple, if you're gonna remove the SAVE button—the Autosave better work 100% of the time.
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