That Wrenching Feeling

I've finished watching Catching Fire and Ender's Game. Urgh, my heart. Ouch, my heart.
You know that feeling you get when a movie ends and every single cell in your body cries out in exhausted Luke Skywalker denial NOOOoOOOOOoOooo!!! Damn you! You can't end now! You wait through about 4 minutes worth of credits, staring at the screen as foreign sounding names flash mockingly across - screenplay by yadayada, director of photography by whatchamkalit - all the while loud thumping ochestral music (most likely with some deep cello overture) blares over the cinema telling you "Look at the fancy way people's names fly across the screen with the beat! Look at that fool still sitting there. Let her stare at the screen harder. Maybe the credits will magically return to the film proper and continue that damn thing!"


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