April 2011

The Quiet Iorich

By the gleaming treasures of El Dorado, I bore my trove back home.
Finally, after waiting for most part of the year I get to complete my Steven Brust Taltos collection. I have an incredible urge to rub my palms in gleeful rapture & cackle like a Disney witch.

Kee hee hee.... Ho hahaha.... Muah hahahah! *Goes off to poison some apples then falls down stairs in debiliting happiness*

Weary Human Being

I'm just joking!

I love it. I love it love it love it love it love it! I repeat this to myself several times.

Wandering Mercator

Maps! I need a spanking map on my wall now!
Preferably one with livid sea creatures and the occasional dragon.

Love Lost

In addition to listening to too much Jay Chou songs, I'm also looping Temper Trap's Love Lost like crazy.

There is something about forlorn looking youths dashing blindly through a muddy English landscape while wailing to the camera that rubs your heart raw.
It must be a real pain to be lip-syncing while running out of breath.


Rebirth and Decay and Drugs

My life, currently, is a never ending cycle of tragedy and deadlines. Tragedy, then deadlines - then tragedy then deadlines. Escaping from this samsara would require either divine help from Sir Nataraja or a quick bullet to the head.

Or a lot of coffee.

Joe Black

Give me a cup of coffee. I need the adrenaline to face my death.


Overheard Titanic

I'll go back to work now.


Curly Dream Threads

Black is a classic colour.
Every time someone uses a lot of black and white in their work, they describe it as minimalistic, stylishly slick and full of zen-like wisdom meditating in its inky pool of colour supremacy.

Well, in my opinion, black is BORING.

Especially on shoes.
THIS is what I want shodding my rainbow-coloured sock clad feet all day.

And THIS is what I want to wear out when it rains.

From Supermarket Sarah. I love this shop to bits!


Rise and Dine

This is the best ever place to eat eggs.
Snuggled in some forsaken place out in Evans lodge.


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