*Rant below: look away quick!!!*
I have no idea if the LTA in Singapore have a special task force assigned to picking out chairs and seating peripherals in MRT or whatnot. Let's just call it the S.Q.U.A.T Team - Seating Quotas Unit And Tactics - where their mission is to select only the most inhospitable butt-proping devices ever known to 4 legged furniture.
Remember City Hall MRT 2 years ago had that stainless-steel aerofoil chair design that allowed NOBODY to sit properly on it without half sliding off the dastardly shiny surface?
LTA got numerous complaints about the seats half a millennia ago but then because any paperwork had to be filed to the superior, checked against the legal constitution, sent to the transport council, checked again, then lost in a pile of paperwork, found, lost again, fed to the Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal, reconstituted, and finally approved - we get bum rests as useful as sofas made of talcum powder.
Vogon rituals aside, take a look at the Bras Basah seats.

I loath them.
It's like LTA never learnt from their aerofoil disaster & came back for round 2.
Firstly, these metallic glossy things don't resemble seats at all.
You can see from the picture the floor is grey granite and the walls are smooth chrome. If you've ever went into the Bras Basah MRT station, it looks like morgue. All cold and grey and dead.
I don't blame you if you mistake this shiny metallic seats for a corpse freezer cabinet. They blend into the environment so well you wouldn't know they existed unless you trip over one.
Secondly, your butt slides clean off this thing.
The smooth floor doesn't help a bit. Almost every human being I see who sit on this monstrosity immediately squirm and wriggle to get some traction between their bums & the unforgiving excuse of a seat. Then give up & stand.
Someone should exhibit this horrible thing in an art museum. Right there in the abstract art section, where people can come and gawk that its complete incomprehensibility.
Ok. That's it.
Oh, and Happy Belated Birthday Singapore!!!