July 2010

Stranger shores beyond here and now

"One should really use the camera as though tomorrow you'd be stricken blind. " says Dorothea Lange. Alas, woe to me - I may already have been long afflicted ever since I got my paws on my Gakken.

And if you were thinking... ... perhaps this post won't contain something remotely pertaining to that wretched subject, as was so in the last gazillion posts, you are sorely mistaken.

Was trying out different kinds of film for my camera.

Lemme introduce you guys to the Solaris 35mm film i got from Cat Socrates some time ago. I think it cost me $5 or maybe $6 for a pop but the effects are really stunning.

So I'll just do up a comparison between the normal Kodak gold film i use and the Solaris one.

The normal Kodak gold 35mm. ISO200

The Solaris film. ISO100.

(note, I didn't photoshop any below. It's their natural colours)

HDB near busstop.

Kodak gold.


Neighbour's House
Kodak gold.

Solaris. (Damn! The 1st one doesn't even look like Singapore. It looks like somewhere in Indonesia)

Shoe shots.
Kodak gold.

Solaris. (look at my colourful dopies bwahaha!)

Here are more shots from the Solaris.

As you can see, the Solaris delivers some awesomely smashing pictures. The saturation of the colours are more robust and it does have a tendency of leaving a pinkish sheen on the photos. That I Love! Damn it!

Also, i noticed the grains are less tight compared to the Kodak's which really bring out that film-ish feel to it. Now I'm using the Solaris ISO200, but seeing how well ISO100 renders - i'll be stocking up quite some more.

Yep. Would love to try out more interesting films. DNP Centuria anyone?

work 3.0




but not eternally ...


I thought the torment would never end.
The moment lasting forever.

That was one of the MOST agonizing period in my life. Just waiting for the inevitable.
When your entire education hangs on the brink.
When you know no matter how much you plan and panic,
you may never ever get it.

Now awaiting add/drop.

I'll die if you say no vacancies again.

Drops of nostalgia

I went Cat Socrates last week and managed to blow off enough cash to get their membership card.
Among the stuff I got from there, here is an absolutely adorable cloth book cover I got from Momshoo.

Damn! It's cute.

See that little robot on the front cover? It's frikkin blue!
Just like bananas and chocolate, blue coloured robots pwn every other kind of robotish colours. The Chuck Norris of any droid-fitting hue.

Blue. The colour your man could look like. The last's a horse.

On the topic of cute handmade thingys. My ultra-talented sister sew me some nifty stuff with that new sewing machine she got.

A laptop cover for my Macbook. Check out the inside.

Oh NOoooo!! She didn't just put multi-coloured aliens inside!! Now I shall die from cuteness everytime I open the cover up. Awwwww.......
Also, she sew me a coaster.

That nautical theme cloth is just smashing wicked! And she even stamped my name at the flip side.

Seriously..... why is it so many people around me are so good with the needle when I can't even sew on a button?

My multi-talented sister dons her 2nd upper merlin robe for her ceremony before rushing off for a Mensa tea-party in the Bermudas before saving Metropolis from Lex Luther. All with the power of her hyper-charged eye-lashes.

Some people just have it all.

Oh.... And here are somemore lomo from my Gakkenflex. (Go Flickr)

(Nope, I didn't photoshop any of them)

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