There are a ton of Photoshop actions online that will turn any normal digital photo into lomo-ified plastic camera glory. But do you want the real thing?
I must thank Shan and others for bestowing onto me this reverend piece of hardware and I was eyeing this DIY TLR (twin lens reflex) camera ever since I saw it in ThirtySix. This is the GakkenFlex.
Got it at $58 that might seem steep - but is not, compared to the outrageous Blackbird Fly with no true viewfinder. The GakkenFlex comes with a magazine loaded with gorgeous pictures and written entirely in Japanese.
the cover says 'Adult Science'. But i may be wrong.
Inside the flap.
The goodies.
The goodies unwrapped.
There are a ton of parts in here, I assure you. For someone who can't construct lego for nuts - these looked like C3P0's intestines. Thank you, Gakken for writting everything in Japanese. Makes my life so much easier. not.
First side done.
It was actually not so bad. There are a couple of tutorials online (in english) that will help you get past the tricky bits. And the instruction diagrams were pretty easy to follow.
Three sides done.
Wow, I'm actually constructing something that looks like it could become a camera! *For someone whose handicraft sucks more than a vacuum ~ Father, Mother... I'm so happy!*
Final Look.
And here are some snap shots I took with my very virgin test try!
Some pics may see abit blurry and all. But to tell the truth ... ... I love the misty effect!
Stupid me for opening the camera's body halfway through winding. Lost half the photos like that. But oh well.
Double Exposure Bam!
Well, that's not all~ I have more photos in my Flickr account so go there and see the rest!
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