Existential Pants

There are authors who write mind-blowingly awesome books but publish them at glacial speeds (Steven Brust, I'm looking at you).

There are authors who write so-so OK books with that rare gem that peeks out like gold among the pyrites. (Tom Holt)

There are authors who put out relatively great books at relatively fast speeds (Lee Child).

And then, there is Dean Koontz.

Dean Koontz with a nice head of hair.

Dean Koontz is the kind of author you read when you know all the mind-blowing books or relatively great books are out on loan. And you're in the library mulling over trying out a new series and almost definitely getting disappointed - and then AHA! Dean Koontz.

He is an author who does not disappoint. Really. Even Lee Child and Steven Brust have their soggy moments but not Koontz. Plus he's published over 100 books! Damn, this guy must be on finger steroids!

Anyway, here are my top 5 books from the master of your deepest darkest dreams!

The Good Guy

*Guy meets hitman in bar. Hitman out to kill girl. Guy grabs girl and run*

The Husband
*Wife kidnapped. Husband needs to pay 2 mil. But he's a garderner. Hubby goes out find $. While being suspected of murder*

*Hero gets note: Bring note to police & psycho will kill a teacher. Don't bring note to police & psycho kills a grandma. Hero goes out to whack psycho*

Odd Thomas*Guy can see ghosts. Uses powers to investigate disaster on his town*

Relentless*Tired of writing. Go wiki it yourself*

He's stories are usually about absolute good triumphing over absolute evil. And his main protagonists are not the whinny, brooding, I-Have-Powers-I-Won't-Use-Cos-I'm-Afraid-To-Hurt-People-Around-Me douchebags so common now in popular literature.

Go read him.

PS* All the above are my own personal opinions. Steven Brust and Tom Holt fans - Don't bash me.
And Mr Brust, please hurry up and write!

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