Terribilia Monsteria

Whoa~! Guess what?
I said I was gonna upload photos of my taiwan trip but ~ Tah DAAH~! The glorified camera we used to take almost 98.55% of our trip went bust and screwed up the SD card. Or it was the SD card's problem in the first place. Or it was the netbook we loaded our data in, or it could be a number of other things like for example, the main culprit of all unexpected events - global warming - or Skynet's cyber mainframe of cyborg hostile takeover, because I HAVE NO PHOTOS.

We lost 98.55% (that's an accurate percentage, mind ya) of our photos.
Luckily, I did take some snap-shots with my 3.2 Mpx phone camera so all is not lost. Well, actually - it is. But, Argh! I don wanna remember.

So here~! Enjoy with my deepest condolences *sniff*.

Sis armed with a big black, but white elephant of a camera. Ready to Rock n Roll baby!

Visited a nature park in *insert chinese name here*

At Jinguashi. That's me taking a shot of my sis taking a shot at my mum taking a shot at some sea-bed moss. I hope.

At the Volcanic crater at YangTai Shan. Man, you don't get scenery like this in Singapore.

Orange juice and a Cow-tongue biscuit. The biscuit is sweet and pasty. A simple snack while breathing in sulphuric fumes from the crater.

Curry rice dinner at Eslite mega bookstore. Kinda like our Popular back at home, but 12x bigger and stocks everything from books to cutlery.

Went to a Lutheran church on Sunday (last day) there. English service, of course.

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