Taiwan Taipei


Actually it was yesterday.

Just thinking of all the photos i'll have to upload gives me a headache so I'll just type about my trip (like anyone cares) and edit the pretty-ed up entry when I have the time (which i don't).

Taipei in 100 words (195 actually) :

Arrived at airport with neck cramp from ride. Check in to 20°c & zero humidity. See three 7-11’s within 400m – they’re everywhere. Visited a national park and see plants. Nice plants but no animals, it’s winter anyway.

Shopped like hell, really ~ shoppers paradise. Fail to find a single overweight female on the streets. Everyone look like they just came out from an Elle photo-shoot. Look at my Bermudas and sandals & feel massively out of place. See a Show Luo-looking guy applying foundation on the bus. Check my sexual orientation – yep, straight. Proceed to vomit after bus-ride. Taipei buses are like jelly. Wobbly as heck.

Visit a mountain that smelt like rotten eggs, see (hear) fellow Singaporeans. We are as ubiquitous as 7-11s, seriously.

Eat mango-milk ice with small tangyuan ~ divine. Eat it 3 days straight. Eat at Shilin, awesome. Eat at Shida ~ heavenly. Eat at the Toilet Restaurant ~ cute concept, atrocious food.

Basically, Taipei is THE place to shop and eat. And ogle at Barbie doll manga-esque ladies (if you’re the crass sort who notices such things). A bit lacking on the scenery factor, but hey – that’s what Australia is for.

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