August 2009

My distaste grown sour

kill without legal sanction

There is something I'd really like to lynch right now.

Novelle and cherrie's serenity

What? What?!

Random blog post ahoy ole' mates! Land ho! Please rub your eyes to take in a bunch of erratic words which will subsequently be follwed by a barrage of nonsense & cam-whore.
Antiseptic cream & ale are in the bunker. Rehabilitation not included.

I'm supposed to say something about my new school & home but I have so much homework piled on my head my brain caved in.

Homework is like mouldy cheese. The further away it is from you, the better.

Cheese, yes.

Cheese is actually very good. Especially when it's on a pizza. Coming out from an oven in Restaurante De Parma in Serangoon Gardens.

I'd really love to wax a lyrical as bald as a bald bikini-line here but I don't have the time (glances at clock) because I have to meet my girlfriend today & do stuff. So I'll just unload a bunch of gorgeous pics here.

Restaurante De Parma ~
Say that with an Italian accent & go dance cabaret

Mushroom soup! With a stick of something across. Eaten with parsley & a whole lotta satisfaction

Fragrant herb bread just out of the oven. You can see the wholesome grains bursting out of their fluffy confines. Begging you to "Eat me! Eat me!".
Eaten with olive oil and dark vinegar dip. The flavours just explodes in your mouth.

Ceasar salad with lettuce so juicy it had to be genetically modified.
The zuchinis & radishes personally plucked from God's own garden.
Tossed with pepper and cheese bits - Simply divine.

If that cow was still alive, it would have had the highest honour of being served on this plate.
Just look at that mound of succulent goodness drenched in glistening sauce with a merry bit of rosemary on top.
Lucky lucky cow.

Smoked salmon pizza with onions and capers.
The white cheese base was so light it was like eating fluffy clouds yet tasty enough to hold the combination of fish and bread flavours together.
The capers enhanced the tang of the salmon but did not overpower it. Awesome.
An insanely difficult to prepare dish that had me waiting 30 min but worth every single penny.

Spiced chilli and moist bacon topped with all the cheese in the world and a crispy pizza base to die for. Strong, flavourful and will make you fat. But that's still a good thing.

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