Restless rain falls & revives

Woooww~ Do I even update this thing?

I remember when I first started out blogging I was so enthusiatic about the whole she-bang I was checking my blog a gazillion times a day. Admiring the disgusting blogskin, the ridiculous posts and the silent c-box.

But that was in 2007.
Ancient history man~ ancient history.

Now the prehistoric dinosaur rears her head and contemplates the deep profound significance of a home in the museum and a shift to Wordpress.

Anyway, that aside. Here's a pop quiz for you... ...

1) Have you felt that Singapore is small, insignificant and downright boring?

2) Have you felt that you have been to ALL the shopping districts in Singapore and prowled through ALL the auntie & uncle shops just to find you are better off shopping online?

3) Are you really sure Singapore is so dull and boring?

4) Really?


Well, if you have answered a resounding YES for all 4 questions, you are WRONG!

Because I (with shan) just found these few gems of heavenly, unbelievably un-singaporean, un-boring, utterly brain-blowingly awesome lifestyle cafes that are guaranteened to send you to cuteness rehabilitation centres in no time.

It's CasualPoet.
Location: Chinatown
Decor: Vintage & loving it
Cuteness: Through the roof
Stairs: Yes

OMG, the stairs were a killer cos the shop was located smack-bang in the middle of nowhere of New bridge road.
It was raining for a spell and we got wet, lost and utterly miserable until we finally found the shop and had to climb up 3 flights of narrow, killer stairs.

But it was worth it, amen.

Here are some photos to illustrate the how cosy and retro-groovy this place is.

Cosy O' meter level 10,0000

2 root beer float please!

It's small- true. Barely the size of my kitchen actually but they somehow managed to squeeze in a small dining area along with shelves that sell designer trinkets & ditsy things you never use but always want.

There are free board games to play, and free books to browse and you can stay there for hours on end with no one to bother you if you don't buy that extra regular coke.

Another one such place is Cat Socrates in Bras Basah. Go there when you feel like murdering your boss and calm down. Very effective.

Anyway, shan & i also visited the patisserie shop along Clark Quay: Nectarie
We ordered a microscopic slice of caramelized banana cake costing $8 *Chokes on bile* and are sent straight to heaven because THIS IS A SLICE OF BLOODY GOOD CAKE.

A slice of bloody good cake

Shall I describe it??
It's soft - Oh so unbelievably soft.
It's crunchy - Oh~~ the flaky dense banana caramel at the bottom.

You see your fork carve through the pale silken mousse and cut into the delectable chunk of banana sitting melodiously in a harmony of softness & satin.
What a ochestra of confectionary goodness that sings in your mouth and cascades down your throat that reaches it's crescendo in your stomach and leaves you in a state of shock, revelation and enlightenment.

Yes, cakes can taste this good.

And that's it. Till another time.

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