November 2008

Tarnish up can't stop the rhythm

I'm so beat i've stuck toothpicks in my eyes to keep them open.

All you evil people out there, do not pass GO!

Do not collect $200! Do not mix soy beancurd with fried food!
If you see a cocktail sausage with quail eggs, they're MINE!

Ever so often, the parents would go out of the country and leave their kids with the car.
Here is my sis in all her newbie glory, driving my dad's ratty Toyota with the finesse and dexterity of a hippopotamus.


She takes a forlorn gaze at the never-ending traffic ... wondering why did god invent cross junctions.


She passes the cross junction after waiting for 3 whole decades! Horray! Breathes an almighty sigh of relief! I unbuckle my safety helmet.

Oh yeah... and i got myself a spanking new electric piano !!! (cue insane guitar riffs and confetti)


I got it from Cash Converters (bless its soul) at a heart-stopping $18 !!!


You, yes, YOU can get your very own no-brand electric piano too at $18! Yes, $18 gentlemen! Aye aye, i kid you not.
I was so damned surprised when they threw in the cable for me too! I mean, come on! $18 !

I triumphantly hoisted my catch back home, drowned in glory, honour and praise.... until I did a true test of it back home and realised that when you pressed anything more than 3 keys simultaneously, it played out an extra note.

Dang dang dang ~~ DANGGGggggg~~~

Trying hard to swallow my abject disappointment, I hereby convince myself that if i played 3 notes and it produced 5 ... that's an extra 2 notes free of charge!

Killmungous and my bonny lad

You know how you always walk beside grabage trucks and get a whiff of that disgusting smell that's both nauseating, sour and cloyingly ripe at the same time?

You know how your stomach turns at that sourish smell not simply because of its glorious fragrance but also the vivid imagery of the mechanisim at the rear that churns up the stacks of waste and squeezes out rivulets of brown juice?

That nausea?

That revulsion?

That abomination?

You see the brown juice seeping onto the uncaring tar road and immediately walk round the puddle.

That puddle of brown garbage juice on the ground?

That's how i feel now.

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