
Ever wondered why we joined Digital design instead of Industrial?

That's cos we don't want to hold a stupid saw, of course. And that's what this assignment required of me. And a drill. And some screwdrivers. Grrrr....
I sat on the storeroom floor for 3 days to make the cube that looked really easy in theory but was an absolute bugger in real life.

Anyway, if you want to make a cube like that, these are the materials you'll need.

When i tried to coil the wire for the spring, it sprang loose and cut my knuckle and my eye. Terrific.
My knuckle bled a bit, i didn't know it until the blood dripped onto my precious box!! Fortunately i managed to get most of it off. The remaining spot i intend to add petals around it and turn it into a flower. Yay. See? Genius me.

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