Fried Mars Bars

'Fr•i-ed 'M•a•rs Ba-rs

[noun] A sweet, mostly always brown fried candy bar coated in batter. Usually eaten with ice cream and a waves of guilt. An excellent source of cholesterol, fat and sugars.
The wikipodia eatery menu provides an excellent list of where you can obtain the best fried mars bars on earth and the places you may go to rehabilitate afterwards.
So, after the impossible success of my... ahem... eclairs, I have decided to try make something simpler and more unhealthy.
Also, I'm a big fan of Chippy's and thus am more likely to die 20 years sooner than most of you.
The batter process is actually pretty simple. Just milk, flour and baking soda. The frying process is much harder, mainly because it involves frying something. Which i can't do without getting popping hot oil all over my hands.

Anyway, here are the results of my hard work and impossible genius.

I will grudgingly include my brother, Matthew, in my credits for the 3rd try because he looked at my first few attempts and said it looked atrocious and helped me redo the batter and fry the 3rd batch.

He is, of course, wrong. There is nothing wrong with my cooking. Period.
It's just that he heated the oil better than me. Heh heh.

Anyway, he is all gushy and stuff about this new place in Kovan CC. Says it serves the most bang-for-buck food in the whole Alpha Centuri. He even took to taking pictures of his bleeping lunch to illustrate the point. So i'm obligated to help him tell everyone how incredibly good that place is since he helped me with the FMB.

See this lunch? It's only $6 ! Owned man !.... ....

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